Sunday, July 09, 2006


I couldn't sleep, and thought that some freewriting would help relax me so I could get some rest. Here goes...


It's nice having the house to myself for the weekend. It doesn't happen much lately. What, with having a temporary roommate for over a month now, it doesn't happen much any more. I miss my quiet time, the time I used to spend by myself, gathering my thoughts, and doing whatever I want. Ever since college, I've been somewhat of a loner. I love the company of my friends and family, but I like having a place to go by myself, where there are no expectations and no one to answer to. I like coming and going as I please, and not having anyone at home worrying about when I will be home or where I've been.I have always been a very social person. But, at the same time, I like to have my own space. I like living by myself, and knowing that I will be coming home to an empty house. Many dread the thought of an empty house; I relish it. I find it much easier to get things done when I am on my own. Knowing that there is no one here to disturb me, I know that I can wake up at 3:00 in the morning and do some research and I won't be disturbing anyone. I like going to the bathroom or taking a shower and not having to close the door. I like spending hours on end just staring out the window, in complete and utter silence. The solitude and peace appeals to the more serene side of me, which is yearning for a calm respite from the otherwise chaotic life I lead.It's nearly four in the morning. The only sounds are of a gentle breeze rustling the leaves on the tree outside my window. I'm home alone, and no one in the neighborhood is awake. The full moon reflects off the soft, cool dew on the morning grass, untouched and undisturbed in the predawn hours. Sleep is rapidly approaching, knocking at the door of my brain, telling me it is time to go, but I don’t want to go. There is still much to be written; much to be experienced. I don’t want to waste time on napping, when the night is so soothing and comforting.

I am enjoying the quiet and solitude of the early morning hours. Soon, the world will be awake, tending to their busy lives: bustling off to church, hurrying to the grocery store, trying to make an early tee time. But now, the world slumbers, and the quiet stillness eases my worried mind. I am alone with the night, and the darkness and silence tames my restless heart.


Well, I don't know as it was worth reading, but there it is. I think I'm ready to try sleep again. Goodnight, all...


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